
How Would You Like Having the Tools to Live an Addiction Free Life?
Uncover Efficient Strategies To Kick Your Addiction and Rebuild Your Life, Improve Your Health, And Build Your Foundation All In One, In This Mind Blown Goodbye Addiction Course.
So, here's what you are going to uncover in this Advanced "Goodbye Addiction" Info Course:

Explore the overview of addiction.

Find out the types of addiction Substance and Behavioral.

Discovering the underlying cause of a person's addiction.

Identify the signs and symptoms.

What are the trigger points?

Determine the impact of substance abuse.

Is social media as addictive as drugs?

Methods to repair the damage done.

How does addiction affect the

How to rebuild yourself to overcome addiction.

Explore the rehabilitation process.

How to deal with the effects of withdrawal symptoms.

Role of closed ones in recovery.

Know about the aftercare of a person in recovery.

Learn why teens are more suspectable to addiction.

And so much more...
The content is easy to read and up-to-date at an
Break the Addictive Cycle and Establish Healthy Boundaries!
Anyone that is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol will benefit by going to rehab.
People who are addicted to drugs need to be in a drug-free environment with people who will hold them accountable for their goal of getting off drugs.
Rehab can help you set short and long-term goals in the areas most important to a strong recovery.
These areas include goals for your physical and emotional health, relationships, and occupational and spiritual aspirations.

Rehab can help you understand where these boundaries get tangled up, and show you ways to keep them healthy.
Substance Use and COVID-19 increased the global public health threat!
COVID-19 and addiction are the two pandemics which are on the verge of collision causing major public health threat.
While every effort must be taken to make the public aware of deleterious effects of SUD on COVID-19 prognosis, the resumption of deaddiction services and easier accessibility of prescription drugs are needs of the hour.
The unique situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in various undesirable outcomes with respect to health and wellbeing.
Lockdown, isolation, loss of job, financial burden, stress, depression, anxiety, phobia and lastly availability of plenty of leisure time all together put forward a fertile field on which behavioral addictions start growing relentlessly.
Distressed person may take refuge in addictive substances, whichever is cheap and readily available to allay their negative feelings.

According to WHO, 3 million deaths are caused by alcohol consumption and 2.3 billion people are still current drinkers
The rising prevalence among the global population is the key driver of the global health and wellness market. There are many reasons people get addicted to drugs, but you must gain insight into what draws you towards your substance of choice.
Is it a means to cope with stress? Do drugs help numb you emotionally so you don’t have to feel emotional or physical pain?

Most people with a history of drug use have poor discipline and self-care habits.
Substance abusers typically take too little responsibility for their life and behavior while friends and family take on too much responsibility.
It’s important that you peel back the layers of your behavior to understand what is behind your drug habits.

Now, let's look at the facts.